★★★ with UPLOAD to FACEBOOK ★★★
‘Thermal Vision+’ creates a real time ‘thermal vision‘ effect from your cameras video feed.
★★★ REAL TIME Effect ★★★
Have you ever wanted to know what you or anything else look like in a thermal vision camera?
Now you are one step closer to the answer: ‘Thermal Vision+’ simulates a thermal vision camera.
Take a picture with the apps ‘thermal vision‘ effect and share it on facebook to show it to
your friends.
Wouldnt a ‘thermal vision‘ portrait of you be a cool profile picture?
★★★ What is a Thermal Vision Camera? ★★★
A thermal vision camera visualizes heat emitted by a person or object.
Different temperatures lead to different colors.
CAUTION: The app ‘Thermal Vision+’ only simulates a thermal vision camera.
The video feed created by this app does not give any information about or correlate in any way to
the actual heat/thermal radiation of the displayed object.
Nonetheless, the app creates a cool live effect that makes a lot of fun!!!